Streets for everyone

Why making more space to walk, wheel and cycle matters

Creating streets that make walking, wheeling and cycling safer for everyone has wide-ranging benefits for local communities.

Here, local businesses and residents across the UK tell us why the changes made in their area matter to them.


The Covid-19 pandemic created an urgency to change the way we move around in our towns and cities.

Local authorities across the UK are creating more space for people to walk, cycle and wheel in, to make them safer and reduce car use.

These changes are currently temporary and local authorities will be consulting local communities with a view to improving them and making them permanent.

In our series of ‘Streets for everyone’ videos, businesses and residents in major towns and cities share their views on the recent street changes and why they matter.


Kelvin Way, Glasgow

Through Spaces for People funding, Kelvin Way has been closed to vehicular traffic.

This has created vital space for people to walk, cycle and wheel, and opportunities to stay active during lockdown.

Deansgate, Manchester

During the pandemic, Manchester City Council created a temporary safe space for people to walk and cycle along one half of Deansgate, the city’s main shopping street.

It was initially closed to all motorised traffic and has recently opened again for buses.

We spoke to business owners and shoppers about their views on the changes.

Video thumbnail of a male student talking to camera as he locks his bicycle to a °Ä²ÊÂÛ̳ stand in Cardiff city centre.


In response to Covid-19, Cardiff Council reallocated road space on Castle street and Wellfield road.

We spoke to local businesses to see what they think of the changes.

Video thumbnail of a lady talking to camera on the pavement outside her work with traffic lights in background.

Crewe Road, Edinburgh

Through Spaces for People funding, protected cycle lanes have been introduced on Crewe Road in Edinburgh.

We spoke to hospital staff to find out what difference the changes have made to their commute.

Video thumbnail of a man talking to camera in front of the pub he owns called 'The Bank Bar'.

Union Street, Dundee

Through the Spaces for People funding, Union Street has been transformed.

It is now fully pedestrianised and feels like a destination where space allows for shopping and socialising, or for people to walk, wheel or cycle through.

Video thumbnail of a man wearing a navy hoody talking to camera outside his barbershop business.

Bedford Place, Southampton

During the pandemic, Southampton City Council pedestrianised part of Bedford Place; offering extra space for outdoor dining and for social distancing.

So we spoke to local residents and businesses to see what they think of the changes.


Dublin road, central Belfast

In response to Covid-19, Northern Ireland’s Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon announced a number of infrastructure improvements.

These improvements are designed to enable safer social distancing and for key workers to travel more safely.

So we interviewed local business leaders and residents about the Dublin road cycle lane to see what they think about it.

Old Bethnal Green Road, London

Tower Hamlets Council have introduced a fantastic permanent scheme on Old Bethnal Green Road as part of their wider Liveable Streets programme.

We spoke to local residents and people from Tower Hamlets Council about the scheme and how it has affected their experience of the street.

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How can we help?

Organisations like °Ä²ÊÂÛ̳ are here to help and share our expertise with local authorities.

We can support you to engage with communities. And we can offer help when putting schemes in place.

Contact your nearest °Ä²ÊÂÛ̳ office to discuss how we can support you.
